Wolkom in Fryslân
Friesland, a province known not only for its unique language and culture, beautiful landscapes and rich history, but also for its accessibility, happy people and space & tranquillity.
Top locations
Friesland has a lot to offer when it comes to venues for events and gatherings. Farmhouses in the vastness of the landscape. Old buildings that have found a new purpose as event locations. Or modern locations equipped with all facilities. In any case, one thing is certain. Fryslân inspires.
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With an excellent network of roads, railways and waterways, Friesland is easy to reach from different parts of the Netherlands and beyond. The province has good connections to cities such as Amsterdam, Groningen and Zwolle, making it a popular destination for both domestic and international business visitors.
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Why Friesland?
What makes Friesland special is the quality of life it offers to the people who live and recreate there. In addition, Friesland offers an oasis of space and tranquillity for those looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life. In short, Friesland offers not only a wealth of cultural and natural attractions, but also an environment where people feel happy, can enjoy space and tranquillity, and where hospitality is paramount.
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Congress agenda
Fryslân is door het jaar heen gastheer van meerdere congressen en zakelijke bijeenkomsten over diverse thema's. Van watertechnologie tot circulariteit, of van sport evenementen tot duurzame landbouw, Fryslân host ze allemaal.
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Contact the team
Looking for a conference venue or facilities in Friesland? Contact the team and discover the many possibilities in Friesland. Take advantage of our extensive partner network, distinctive venues and our leading sectors. Let us guide you through the planning process with tailored expertise and support.
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